A dear friend of mine reminded me of something so valuable...something I have let slip by and have replaced with complaining and ungratefulness...
She reminded me that a home is God's blessing to us...especially women (Titus 2:8-12 - being a keeper of the home is something He requires of us ladies). It is our place of refuge, rest and reassurance. It is our duty to provide that refuge, rest and reassurance to all that enter into our home...
As I was pondering this and asking for forgiveness of my complaining and grumbling...I was reminded that a home is what you make it...it could be a tent, an RV, trailer, mud-hut, or big and elaborate...but in order for it to be a home the "keeper" of the home must give all her heart, her thanks and praise to the Lord...if not all those who enter will feel unwelcome and leave as fast as they can...
I have been filling my "home" with uncontentment and with that comes strife and frustration...anger...deep depression...fighting...bickering...I have seen these character traits in all of my family members lately...and no wonder when I get real personal with myself I realize it's my fault as the "keeper of the home". I have allowed myself to be pulled away from praising into complaining...from thankfulness into unthankfulness for all that the Lord has provided for us...yes, even this place we need to call home...so home it is!
I guess I haven't wanted to call it home because it seems so permanent...so long lasting...but as in Luke 12...the Lord's prayer instructs us to say "let the Lord's will be done"...so be it long or short...it's our home and the one the Lord has blessed us with at the moment...
Have you allowed things into your "home" that the Lord would wish you to get rid of so He can be praised and glorified by all who enter your home? Be real with yourself and let the goodness of the Lord Almighty cleanse you and perfect you as you make your home a refuge, rest and reassurance for those who enter...
Blessings to all of you Keepers of the Home!
Craft On: All But the Ends
I finished Rich's mitten, and all I have left to do on the knitting part of
these is to weave in ends and block. *All*, I say. The pattern is still
1 day ago