I was going to post about homeschooling and the joy of it all but as I read my husbands post today I thought he did a better job. Even though he doesn't actually talk about homeschooling he does touch on one of the reasons we are so passionate about homeschool. So here is his link and I hope you all enjoy what he has to say~! http://thegospelaccordingtothegospel.com/ You are looking for the blog Satan's Parallax View On Your Children. I found it heart breaking at the realization of it all.
Just in case you are wondering...school was wonderful and the children were delighted with the new curriculum choices I made. One choice that I'm delighted with is Apologia Science. I went with the Physical Science for our oldest and their Solar System Study for the two middle children. They are delighted and really enjoyed science the most today.
I will do a post this week about what we use and why I use it. I will also be taking our "school" pictures here soon...we ALL have nasty colds and look so terrible so I think it better to wait to take the photos...so keep checking and soon there will be a photo of my "students"....and a nice little review of what we use!
Happy Schooling...thank you for stopping by!
Craft On: All But the Ends
I finished Rich's mitten, and all I have left to do on the knitting part of
these is to weave in ends and block. *All*, I say. The pattern is still
1 day ago