Our ladies waiting for the lunch...from left to right...Duchess, Ruthie(our favorite) and Duchess's mom Rosie...we really love our ladies - they are so sweet and gentle - if you have land and ever thought about getting milk cows - Jersey's are the way to go!
A fun time with big tumbleweeds on our afternoon walk...see I started taking a very long break for lunch...like a two 1/2 hour break...so we can get out of the tiny "box" we are now living in and for fresh air...and to get a clean head for going back to school after our break. It is working out wonderfully for us!
My wonderful 13 young man...there are so many reasons I'm thankful for him...he is a blessing to his father and I!
My Family - I am so thankful for them...and the time we get to spend with the head of the house...
Our littlest man loves to help...feel needed...here is his newest skill....sawing the twine for the alfalfa...look at that proud grin!
This is the view I have just outside our door...gorgeous isn't it! I may have a very tiny place to call home at the moment but the Lord sure did make up for it with the view and acreage we roam around on...
Cramped quarters...but still learning! Here is a game my daughter made up for him...he has to find the write numer to match the fish...he loves it! He can also find colors - she is such a talented young lady - I was so proud of her...I told her what I needed and she did it - joyfully!
The only amount of snow we've gotten....so much for the sleds we purchased...maybe next year!
Oh, how I love sharing our pictures with you...enjoy! I've pondering being thankful and praising at all times, in all situations...no matter what! So today I'm thankful for the mud, the children that the Lord has blessed me with that came back from our walk...COVERED...in the mud! Thankful that I don't have to do laundry by hand...really thankful for that
One thing I thought I might do is start a "Know Your Rights" section...what you think about this? I want to talk about our rights and learn more about them...because if you don't know your rights you don't have any! Most of you who know us are smiling...yes, we are very patriotic...and are discusted to see where our country is going...
First Right of an American...
1. To worship the Lord God in ones one way...without interference from the government.
1. To worship the Lord God in ones one way...without interference from the government.