What a busy week we had last week.
First off we left Friday morning to go enter our items into the fair for judging and when we got home we came home to this:
Captain Von Trapp - Isn't he just a gem! This is Ruthie's first bull calf. Her other three have been heifers.
What's in a name? We love the movie "Sound of Music". It is kinda our "family" fall movie...so when we first got our girls, Ruthie and Rosie (Jersey cows) we decided that the first bull calf born would be "Captain Von Trapp".

The next morning was actual fair day. The day that if you are showing animals you must arrive at around 7:00 a.m. to check in and get ready. We woke up extra early to make sure calf and mama were doing okay. Captain Von Trapp was frisky and bright eyed...but poor Ruthie was not. She had milk fever and was down and not getting up. On the way to the fair we called the local vet and he was able to come out, give Ruthie a calcium shot and she was up by the time he left. When fair day was over and we arrived home she was doing just fine. Milk fever, from what I understand, is when the mama cow's body is taking calcium from the bones trying to keep up with milk production.
Our oldest son showed his steer winning a blue ribbon. It is a lot of work to get a cow show ready and he did a great job.
This is the best surprise - three grand ribbons. My oldest son has a great eye for photography and apparently the judges thought so too. I almost cried when I saw that the three pictures he entered all got big ribbons, which were
Superintendents Choice, Judges Choice and Best of Show. (Just in case you are wondering there were eight big boards of photographs - the board with his photos just happens to be the last one)
Our daughter got
Reserve Champion for her sewing. She worked so very hard and listened very good as we walked through the steps of sewing this apron - I am very proud of her. She is very talented in all departments of creativeness. I wonder what the Lord will inspire her to do.
I got two first place and a second place on the three aprons I entered. A very nice comment from the judge said that I should have won a blue ribbon instead of red on my yellow and blue apron...but didn't because my bobbin tension was off. That was a huge compliment seeing as this judge is a master sewer and I also appreciated the fact that they were truthful in there judging.
Our daughter also got first place and the wheat ribbon for her cupcakes that were decorated to look like lattice pie...very cute and very easy to do!
Here is some art work that my younger children entered. These two also showed animals, a chicken and a rabbit.
My husband, who loves to can, entered some cherries that he canned. He received a second place ribbon.
It was a great day at the fair. We all went away with a ribbon or two...or 13 - as was the case for our daughter...she cleaned house!
Today as I was hanging laundry I heard my third oldest come running out of the chicken pen...screaming something! I thougt one of his chickens had been murdered. But no this was a good scream as his chicken had been setting on eggs (which none of us new she was doing - sneaky little bird)...anyway she hatched eight adorable chicks...peep...peep...peep!
This simple life of ours is sometimes very unrewarding...but only when we grumble about it being so simple and us not having what we "think" we need...when in reality and
looking through the lens of the Lord's eyes we are a very blessed family -
rich in abundance and goodness from the Lord.
We are so grateful for the new babies on our little farm...for the little fair that gives our children a chance to enter items and win ribbons...
Thank you Lord for all you have blessed us with and thank you for people who will read my little blog.
Have a blessed day and thank you for stopping by!