Hello Everyone! We are anxious to fill you in on our last few weeks...so hold on to your hats - here we go! Our last few weeks have been interesting to say the least. Unfortunately, I can't find the camera so I'm unable to "show" you our adventures, so you'll just have to imagine....
We started off with our very first bareback horse riding lessons. What a thrill that was. Where we purchase our hay from we were able to each ride a horse and go off on our first trail ride. We are all anxiously awaiting the time when we will own some of our very own...we have all the names picked out and now are just waiting...
A few days latter our littlest guy was put into the NICU at Sacred Heart for what they thought was swine flu. We were there for three days and at the end of the three days we were told that they didn't know what was wrong with our boy. The tests all came back negative for swine flu - which we were so very thankful for that!
The next day my husband did not put our truck into gear and off it went, down the hill, into a tree...thus why we have not been able to call, e-mail, or blog...oh, it's been a very looooooonnnnngggggg last few weeks without being able to contact anyone. We are safe and doing well.
The best part of our last few weeks...and with much joy we celebrated our little guys third birthday. His ever growing, ever loving sister baked and decorated his cake. I wish I could show you a picture as she did a marvelous job complete with a tractor, road and a field! It was so much fun for her and she was beaming with joy!
For his birthday we packed our lunch and hiked up the mountains behind our "home". What a glorious day. We found this huge rock and had our lunch. The best part about the hike was that our silly cat "Margaret" followed us all the way...we had our to share our lunch with her for being such a good hiker!
As you can see all is well and I hope to find our camera soon so I can share all the excitement with you! So look for the pictures to follow!
Much love and hugs to all of you!
Menu Plan: Laetare Sunday
*Laetare Jerusalem: et conventum facite omnes qui diligitis eam: gaudete
cum laetitia, qui in tristitia fuistis: ut exsultetis, et satiemini ab
uberibus ...
1 day ago