Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Praise Him through it all...

Clay costumes...

Daring one another to jump into the deep...

What fun we have been having at Fort Spokane. It looks cold but it was actually 85 degrees and the water was so refreshing!

Best meal I've ever had...well except at Mrs. Taffy's of course! The meals were large and wonderful...and where else could you eat right next to the nail bin and hardware store....Good coffee also!
As you can see we are enjoying life and places around here. I will send more next week of the breathtaking views from our front window...
Hugs to all...we miss you tremendously and hope all is well with all of you!

Pslams 144:12 -

That our sons may be as plants
and our daughters may be pillars sculptured in palace style.

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