Seems fitting that we start off our blog site with thankfulness. So here is a bit of what we are thankful for:
Hope for a few new mooooooving friends...the cows will be coming home soon!
Family - in this upside down world we are thankful for a family that is keeping the bonds and yokes of the Lord...
Friends to keep us in line...
"Keepers" Hair...oh, some of you will laugh as you know that the keeper of the home often, too often, complains about her more I tell you!
Boys growing into godly young men who will change the course of this country and stand for what is right!
Girls that will be pillars when it really matters most!
A bountiful harvest
The Sound of Music...who wouldn't be thankful for this movie...
The list could go on...but I'll stop by saying this...Be thankful - we have so much!
Menu Plan: Laetare Sunday
*Laetare Jerusalem: et conventum facite omnes qui diligitis eam: gaudete
cum laetitia, qui in tristitia fuistis: ut exsultetis, et satiemini ab
uberibus ...
1 day ago