Monday, May 31, 2010

Good Ole' American Round-Up

This has to be the highlight of us living here...our friends whose boys are part of the round-up crew invited us to come watch the spring round-up! What a fantastic insight into the American Cowboy way of ranching. We were fascinated at the skill this took.

My husband, myself and our oldest son were invited to join in the round-up - we all have a greater respect for those who have been doing this for years.

Yep that's our boy holding down a calf to be branded, castrated and given shots...had to hold on tight!
The boys, one in a white plaid and the other in a darker plaid, are friends of ours - they are gems in our eyes and we really enjoy being around these young men.

No you're not seeing double...that's our son at the rear and yes that's his mom at the was exhilarating to be able to actually hold a calf down...makes me want to learn more about much more!

Here our son is with the young man and young gal that have been doing this round-up for many years and they are the ones that encouraged both myself and our son to get in there and help...glad they did!

Watching on the sidelines...look at those great pink boots from the Lord...a good friend of ours found them at the Goodwill in perfect condition!
Thank you to our friend for the thoughtful gift for our daughter who had been saving to purchase pink cowgirl boots!

I really enjoyed watching the cowboys and cowgirls rope up the calves - it was beautiful to me...wish I could do it...maybe someday you'll see me out there roping!

Pretty in Pink.....

Thank you to the Tacoma family for thinking of us and including us in the Spring Round-Up. It was a fantastic day.
Hope you enjoyed a bit of good ole American American art!

Pslams 144:12 -

That our sons may be as plants
and our daughters may be pillars sculptured in palace style.

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