Saturday, August 4, 2012

Spelunking...What Fun!

Today we took the children on a surprise field trip.  We went spelunking to the 1,055 foot down Gardner Cave in Crawford State park.  The public access is only about 450 feet down as the rest of the cave is dangerous and gets very closed in.
Isn't this beautiful?
Entrance to the cave.
It was a wonderful experience.  The cave is nestled just 15 Miles from the Canadian boarder.  Being this close to the boarder there is a walking trail that takes you just beyond the not only did we go spelunking we also went to another country....the children thought that was so neat!

Almost to Canada.

See the line through the trees?  My son is straddling the border.

Gotta love a clown....

After our exploration we had a picnic dinner at the Boulder Dam, which if you've seen the movie "Postman" you might recognize.

Pslams 144:12 -

That our sons may be as plants
and our daughters may be pillars sculptured in palace style.

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