Monday, December 29, 2008

From A Child to A Young Man...not a Teenager!

As our son was approaching the age of 12 we were inclined to listen to the CD, "What to Expect From a 12 Year Old" by Dr. S.M. Davis purchased from Vision Forum. It was very educational and an eye-opener for both us and our son.

We had no idea just how many young men and women ages 12 and sometimes younger accomplished more than most of us could in a lifetime. We were inspired and excited that what we've been thinking all along, "no teenagers in our home" was not a pipe dream but a real possibility.
What a shame that this used to be the normal process of things, not from child to teenager to adulthood - no, it used to be child to young adult to adult! Teenager is a new word. Think about it, what do you think of when the word "teenager or teen" is spoken? What do you think of when someone says "young adult" - there is a difference, a respect, a responsibility, and a purpose.
During the CD the speaker goes over six main points. We asked our son to write down the six main points of the teaching and to "grade" himself from 1-5. He gave himself an average of 3 on most points - meaning he realizes he has work to do...

The things you should expect from a 12 year old are:
Having a mature sense of responsibility, purpose and destiny
Making wise choices in the company they keep
Have a burning desire to gain truth and wisdom
Fully obedient
Constantly respectful
Committed to do the will of God thus having good fruit
The eve before our son's twelfth birthday we sat down together with tea/cider and discussed these points and what it means to have a pure heart. After our discussion we presented our son with a "covenant ring". This ring will serve as a reminder that he entered into a covenant with the Lord and his parents. That he will strive to be a trustworthy and pure man.

Many would say, "it can't be done" or "good-luck trying that" or "well, that was of olden times", or "yeah, that won't work today"...but I say "with the Lord ALL things are possible"! The Lord promises in his very word that our sons are a blessing not a curse, that they are like olive shoots, that they are a crown to their long as we seek after and obey His commands and don't break off the yoke or comforting bonds set for His yes it would be impossible without the Lord...but He is our Lord and we are His people. So join us in rejoicing over our young man and encourage him as he walks this wonderful journey to manhood.

If you look closely you'll see the guitar "dude" on the pie - Our son announced he wanted apple pie not cake this year...and chocolate ice cream...strange combination!

Happy Birthday to our young Man of 12 years old. As tradition, out for breakfast with dad, then home for games and to open presents. Then lunch of junk food and a movie. The day ended with pie and ice cream and some more games...a fun day for a fun "man".

Little man's first cone filled ice cream...needs more practice!


Carissa Blanchard said...

Love it! Well done! You've made a memory that will never be forgotten and have started a new tradtion as well, as you have many up and coming young adults! Happy Birthday Guy!

Love all the pictures!

If you bring your laptop on January, I'll show you how to change your back ground!

Josiah said...

Good job Apollos!
Your are now a young man!

I loved the pictures of wipping cream on/in your face!

I hope you had a wonderful birthday!


grandma s said...

Happy Belated Birthday Apollos!
It sounds like you had a wonderful day!
What a great young man you are becoming. We shall continue to pray for you that God will lead you & direct you in "paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.
Love, Grandma S

Carolyn said...

Congratulations Apollos, on this very important 12th birthday. I enjoyed seeing the pictures and learning of the ritual that took place. Your Grammy Curtis told me long ago she knew of your determination to seek out a chosen purpose and destiny.

I'm glad it was a wonderful day for you.


Pslams 144:12 -

That our sons may be as plants
and our daughters may be pillars sculptured in palace style.

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