Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have added a new icon to the if you couldn't see it! To some of you it will be offensive...a subject we shouldn't talk about...really?

God's word says that we "Shall Not Murder"...these individuals are striped of their rights...they don't get a fair trial nor do they get an attorney to plead their case...their voice is never heard...

I want to strongly encourage you to rent the video "Silent Cry". It is done by a very prominent abortion doctor. He wanted the world to see that there is no harm done to the "fetus" (which in Latin means unborn child)...his eyes were opened...his heart was broken!

This new health care that is being pushed for will help fund abortions...and the money they collect from "We The People" choice or force will be paying for it..."We The People" should be weeping in the streets and crying will be on our hands...on our hands...oh, what have we done...Nancy Pelosi was quoted saying..."We will get health care passed. If there is a wall...we will scale it, if there is a fence...we will go over it" - they are determined to get the health care passed. One has to ask why? Why are they not listening to "We The People" you realize that over 75% of the American population do not want government health care? What are you to do...pray and seek the Lord...repent for the sins of our country...ask Him to show you what to do...He will be faithful to you!

Hugs to all and thank you for reading...

Friday, January 29, 2010

40ish...40 something...

Well I have moved out of the thirty something group and on to the 40 something group...

It was a strange day as I was very poor husband didn't seem to know what to do with me...eventually I got my emotions under control and we headed out.

We had a nice brunch at my new favorite restaurant in Hunters, the only restaurant in Hunters...but still my favorite! Then a nice quiet walk in the woods. We ended the day with a quaint birthday dinner and special cake that my daughter helped decorate...very relaxing day.

My dear husband had been saving up to purchase me a nicer range...but after seeing my frustration with my computer he decided to take the savings and buy me a new computer. I'm so excited about it and will have it next this means back to blogging with pictures - I can't wait!

Hugs to all of you...hoping your day is filled with delight and peace and praise for our Lord.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Must...

I want to encourage all of you to go to the Above Rubies web site and request their free's so helpful! I signed a couple of you up for it already...eeek! I know it will bless you...

I also want to encourage all of you to sign up for NOgreaterJoy free magazine...they are amazing! If you go to the bottom of my blog you can just click onto the advertisement for No Greater Joy...and then just sign up.

I have had these magazines sent to me for several years and have gained much wisdom from them.

Hugs to all...

Friday, January 15, 2010


A dear friend of mine reminded me of something so valuable...something I have let slip by and have replaced with complaining and ungratefulness...

She reminded me that a home is God's blessing to us...especially women (Titus 2:8-12 - being a keeper of the home is something He requires of us ladies). It is our place of refuge, rest and reassurance. It is our duty to provide that refuge, rest and reassurance to all that enter into our home...

As I was pondering this and asking for forgiveness of my complaining and grumbling...I was reminded that a home is what you make could be a tent, an RV, trailer, mud-hut, or big and elaborate...but in order for it to be a home the "keeper" of the home must give all her heart, her thanks and praise to the Lord...if not all those who enter will feel unwelcome and leave as fast as they can...

I have been filling my "home" with uncontentment and with that comes strife and frustration...anger...deep depression...fighting...bickering...I have seen these character traits in all of my family members lately...and no wonder when I get real personal with myself I realize it's my fault as the "keeper of the home". I have allowed myself to be pulled away from praising into complaining...from thankfulness into unthankfulness for all that the Lord has provided for us...yes, even this place we need to call home it is!

I guess I haven't wanted to call it home because it seems so long lasting...but as in Luke 12...the Lord's prayer instructs us to say "let the Lord's will be done" be it long or's our home and the one the Lord has blessed us with at the moment...

Have you allowed things into your "home" that the Lord would wish you to get rid of so He can be praised and glorified by all who enter your home? Be real with yourself and let the goodness of the Lord Almighty cleanse you and perfect you as you make your home a refuge, rest and reassurance for those who enter...

Blessings to all of you Keepers of the Home!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Here we go again...

My computer came back to life for a moment in time...and now it's complaining again! So here I am posting from a computer that does not have my pictures on again you'll have to wait for a photo update...hopefully not to long of a wait though.

But while you wait I want to share with you what the Lord did over this Christmas season...He gave us gifts...three of them...

The first gift he gave came in the form of space to move around...our dear friends we are staying with asked us to take care of their wonderful horses, cats, and German shepherd...we gladly accepted and they also asked us to please use their home for our Christmas celebrations...complete with a huge tree and all the trimmings...we were overwhelmed by the offer and felt so thankful....thankful for the use of a nice, open kitchen, a large table, a open living room and large was wonderful to be able to roam without knocking something down or bumping into each other...

The next two gifts were found at our post office. A couple we know prayed and felt most assuredly that the Lord impressed upon them to send us a monetary gift. It was such a huge blessing to our family. We were so surprised by their generosity towards us. BUT the Lord was not I was waiting in line out came the post office lady with an enormous box and handed it to had our address on it but was from a name we did not recognize at all. I thought for sure the post office had made a huge mistake. When we opened the box we realized that it was for us as there were presents, wrapped and marked with individual names....we were so moved. We all thought who, who, who could this be? It finally dawned on us who this family was...a family that knows a mutual friend of ours...they e-mailed back and forth and got ideas from the friends of ours and sent our box. It was filled with gifts just perfect for our needs and wants...just perfect!

Those gifts were just a reminder to our family that the Lord has not forgotten us, our situation, our struggles....He knows and sees and understands...As I type this I know He is leading our family to stand steady...wait for the Lord's timing...He is the orchestrator of all things...

So we wait for His hand to move upon our situation...wait for His hand to reveal His mighty plan in our lives...wait for Him...wait....wait...wait!

I hope you enjoyed this post - even though there were no pictures available to look at...but can you imagine the smiles and joy we felt realizing we were not forgotten...not in the least!

P.S. - We've been having the head of our household read and explain the Declaration of's powerful and moving and I want to challenge each and every one of you to read it, memorize it, to ask your self what You, the people, are to do in the midst of will encourage we will be studying the Bill of Rights then on to the Constitution...Can't wait.

Hugs to all...

Pslams 144:12 -

That our sons may be as plants
and our daughters may be pillars sculptured in palace style.

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