Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Some Firsts...

Here is a glimpse of some of our firsts. 

My oldest sons first job is the ultimate first job.  Wouldn't you have loved to learn to ride and get paid for it?  I tell him all the time that I'm so jealous of this amazing opportunity that has been given to him...(I'm not really jealous...very happy for him.)  This is probably one of his favorite things about his first job....chasing the cattle.

My oldest sons first real cowboy shirt....which is required for him to show his market steer at the fair.  I'd say - he's one handsome cowboy!

Here is a first for me...cast iron pans!  I know that my dear friend over at:  http://mylifeonataffypull.blogspot.com/ will be so thrilled for us.  She got a set of cast iron a few months ago and loves them.  So here is the blessing in them - my husband was contracted to do some labor for the local food bank / thrift store and these pans came into the thrift store.  So he was able to barter some of his hours for them.  I was more than thrilled.  They are Lodge brand and are really heavy. 

Think my first meal in them will be eggs and sausage - oh, yum!  I have to look on-line to see how to clean and then re-season them as they need a bit of care. 

And lastly my first attempt at making an easy child's apron.  Easy because there is no tying bows so little people can easily slip the apron on.  Also, because it is lined I was able to make it reversible.  Gotta love easy!  Here is where I found the instructions for this apron. http://sewliberated.typepad.com/Montessori%20Childs%20Apron.pdf
Obviously I have a bit of adjusting to do...way to long and ummm well doesn't look very "manly" to me, even though the prints are airplane and fire.  My little guy was just thrilled though - because of the fire print - he thinks it is super cool

Thank you for stopping by - have a fantastic week. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Another Finished Apron

You know the old saying "Diamonds are a girls best friend"....well my personal saying is "Aprons are my best friend". 

I LOVE aprons, as I've expressed in other posts.  Since I love aprons, I am convinced that a woman can never have too many aprons...and if anyone saw my apron stash they might think I've gone just a bit overboard!  One of the reasons I love to have a stash of aprons is - company!  If anyone shows up and I'm cookin' then they can pick an apron and join in the joy of cooking with me.

Since I stand in this conviction, anytime I come across cute material I instantly thing - APRON!!!!  This is what I thought when I saw this material.  I really like this cheerful material and really am happy with the way this apron turned out.  Think I might enter this one in the fair also.

Someday...someday when the Lord sees fit to bless us with a bigger kitchen this will be my kitchen colors...yellow and blue with splashes of rusted stuff here and there...and lots of chicken items (of course).  Not sure I could ever bring myself to actually cook anything in this apron so wouldn't it look cute just hung on a hook in the kitchen?  I could use it to serve in....teee-heee!


Here is what I did:  I made a pattern from an old apron I had (basically a square top and rectangle bottom), cut the pocket and belt loop from one of my scrap jeans.  I doubled the top to give it a heavier hold.  I added three layers of ruffles to give the apron a real feminine flair.  My favorite part of this apron is the tie.  I made the tie really long...like dragging on the floor long!  Why did I do this?  Because, I think a big bow and long ties make the apron!  This way I can bow it to the side, middle or wrap twice around and bow in the back...super cute right?  I also made a matching towel to hang in the loop...got the idea from looking at Jessie Steel aprons (wow these are amazing...but ummmm very spendy)

Do you have aprons?  What is your favorite pattern? 

Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed day!

Monday, July 23, 2012


It is cherry season and my husband LOVES to can (aren't I a lucky gal)... 

We live in a farming community and one of the farmers has taken a liking to my hubby and for the past few years we have been able to have first pick at his orchard...and right now cherries are ripe for the pickin'.  He picked well over 30 lbs of cherries - yep you read that right!  So we've been a canning crew for a few days.

He even found this web site:  http://www.simplebites.net/?s=canning+cherry+pie+filling This is where he found this fantastic canned cherry pie filling recipe...and bonus we had enough left over from canning to try it out.  Let me tell you - this was the best cherry pie I've ever had (could have been the crust...teee-heee).  If you want a great cherry pie go to the link and follow the directions, it really is fantastic and easy!

If any of you know my husband, you know that even though he may love to can, his heart truly LOVES to have a well stocked pantry...because during the holidays he really enjoys a table filled with foods that we harvested and processed.  (Gosh, I love this attribute of my husband...suppose I should tell him!)

What have you been canning up?  Do you like to have a well stocked pantry?  Do you like having a holiday table filled with foods you grew, harvest and preserved? 

And this is what our children, (who did help pick, pit and process) did through out the 90 degree day.  Another "thank you" is due to my husband who sacrificed something really needed to keep a promise to his family...a promise made in the early summer to set up the pool.  It has been four summers since we have had this much fun in our pool...and we are so thankful! 
Lastly our daughter who has really bloomed in the kitchen over the past few months begged me to help her make cabbage soup for dinner.  We were given a cabbage from a neighbors garden so we fried up hamburger, added leftover corn, purple potatoes (I love using these potatoes - just look at the punch of color they added to the soup), as well as stewed tomatoes, yams, other veggies - oh, and wild rice.  It was very tasty - even though it was close to 90 degrees outside! 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Storms All Around...

Come visit me today over at:

Where I'm guest posting and encouraging you to stand in the peace that passes all understanding...  See you there!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Mother....

I love the glow that surrounds a new mom.  They are so excited at the anticipation of being a mother.  In my book being a mother is a high calling...the most important thing a woman can ever accomplish.

We have some acquaintances that just announced that they are expecting.

Not having a whole lot of resources at the moment I had to get creative so I could bless this young mother and knowing that her and her husband are very into the whole "green" movement I decided that she would love these....A complete set of "sanitary napkins" for after baby arrives, since her body will be cleaning the womb for a few days.

Set of four - two large and two small

One thing this couple has requested, is that any gifts be either used, recycled, or reclaimed.  So these sanitary napkins I made from scraps of material, old jeans, and used flannel.  The waterproof cloth was from lightly used baby changing pad.

I got inspired to continue the "green" theme, and made a bow from scrap material and used a grocery sack for wrapping the napkins in as well as making a cute little card. 

I'm not sure I'd make these for every new mother...but I might!  Using sanitary napkins are so healthy and eco-friendly (if your into that kind of thing).

My friend over at My Life On A Taffy Pull did a superb job on a post about sanitary napkins, here is a link to her post: http://mylifeonataffypull.blogspot.com/search/label/Health

I got my pattern from this web site:  http://home.comcast.net/~askpauline/crafts/pads/pads.html

The most comfortable material is jean, sweatshirt or flannel.  For the layers inside I use old towels or flannel.  For the waterproof material I've used PUL that I purchased at: http://www.sewbaby.com/shopbaby/index2.php?cPath=244_320 as well as using old baby changing pads (the kind that one keeps in the diaper bag for moments when there is no place to change a baby).  Depending on what I have I'll use either snaps or velcro to secure the pad.

I personally have been using home made sanitary napkins for about 7 years now and really like them.  I've never had any leaks.  My menstrual cycle has lessened over the years, the cramps are not as intense, and to be honest...the "smell" is gone.
Inspired?  Good!  Hope you make lots of pads, use them yourself and eventually make some for a new mother.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Modest Maidens?   Shorts, skirts, pants, Bermuda shorts, capri, button up blouses, tank tops, swim suits, bikini's, the list goes on and on...so many opinions...what is one to do?  What is the answer to being a modest maiden? 

Modesty can not, and will never be defined because there are so many opinions about it.  Many preach that dressing immodest is sinful and unpleasing to the Lord.  Is this true?  Is it just about how we dress?  Or is it deeper than that?  Doesn't the Psalm 139:23 ask the Lord.."Search me oh God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts". 

This seems to be the hot topic in our little blogging world.  So many good posts have been published...ones I wish I would have saved and linked to.  In light of those posts, here is my two cents worth and I want to know your two cents worth - so please comment. 

The other day I listened to an acquaintance who expounded on the fact that she was brought up in a "Christian" home where modesty was applied in the strictest sense.  I listened to this gal explain that she was never allowed to let shoulders show, wear bikini's, short shorts, or even tank tops...she was lamenting the fact that she never experienced wearing such things and now that she was older and had lost weight and had "form" she wasn't going to hide her figure any more.... Quote, "I'm trying get over having to be modest all my life and am learning that I can be more free - after all I have a shape now and don't intend to keep it hidden"...Whoa Really????!!!!! 

Alarm bells went off as I looked over at my daughter who was intently listening to this "freedom from having to be modest" speech.  What was she thinking?  Seems as though more and more women are throwing off this "bondage of modesty".  But is it bondage?  Or is it beautiful freedom to be who the Lord created us to be.  Titus 2:5 "To be discrete, chaste..."

We dress modest...probably not as modest as others...but we are covered.  Our swim wear is basically swim shorts and swim halter top...modest right?  I don't think I even own a low shirt...or a tight pair of jeans (well not on purpose anyway - LOL too many cookies)...or a bikini.  I don't wear those things because I'm 40 something and feel very uncomfortable in them...and Titus 2 has convicted me to want to be a woman after God's heart.

My husband and I have always been careful to not let our daughter be "immodest" in her dress and now we see the benefit of doing this,  as at age 11 she is conscientious about how she dresses...but does she know why?  Or is she just dressing modestly UNTIL she leaves our home and can "throw off the modesty teachings".  Scary thought!  Will I one day see my daughter throwing off all modest dress because she saw it as bondage?  Or will she embrace it and enjoy being modest - seeing the beauty and protection in it?

I have always said that modesty is a heart issue...something that comes from walking in the Spirit...for if we are walking in this way our hearts will be modest, sensitive to the Spirits leading about dress, we will have hearts that follow and will be circumcised for Christ! 

There are those who dress modest yet have a heart far from the Lord - having a religious piety about them...while there are those who might wear a bikini - yet their hearts are striving towards Him.  I know a young mama who does wear a bikini, yet, she has a delightful Godly spirit and modest heart..a heart that is always striving to be a true daughter of the King. 

For the past month or so I have felt the Lord tug on my heart to study up on modesty.  As I ponder this issue I recall that not so long ago...about a 50+ years or so...all of us...you, me, the ladies at the beach, the ladies in the malls, the ladies at Bible study...we would all be considered very immodest.  So where does one draw the line?  What about men?  What if you were called to be a missionary in Saudi Arabia - you would have to wear more than a light dress or skirt on a 100+ day.  Being completely covered would be what you would wear or risk being offensive to those around you.  What about those women in Africa who wear almost nothing...but this is their culture...and if they don't they will overheat and cause skin infections. 

My question and concern with the modesty "mantra" being preached as sin is, will this "preaching" be life changing to a mama in Africa?  Will their hearts be won for Christ after they are dressed "properly"...does the Lord not love them just as much as He loves one here in America dressed modestly?  Where do we draw the line?  Are we missing the bigger picture?
My blessings, freshly soaked by the water sprinkler.
From a Godly man's point of view:  My husband says that modestly dressed women are more attractive and classy.  He would never want myself or our daughter wearing "scantily" dressed clothing or a bikini for the fact that there is so much immorality in our country.  So it is for our protection that he likes to see us dress modestly.

He also discussed with me how modest dressing can be used by others to manipulate and control.  When he was a young man, he dressed weird - tire tread jeans with huge holes, weird hair, mixed shoes...etc.., (not very manly or modest)...there were some who talked to the pastor about their concerns over his attire because he always sat in the front pews...he was a distraction they said...but what they failed to see was his heart and that he was bringing MANY to hear the word of God.  God was using this "inappropriately" dressed young man for His glory. 

Another point that we discussed was the issue of tightness.  Some clothing is very tight and shouldn't be warn...but what about the woman who gained some weight and there is no money to purchase new, better fitting clothing?  (I've been there and it is humiliating to have to traipse around in tight fitting clothing...getting the "looks" and feeling horrible because we really had no extra to spend on clothes for me...)  Before we judge someone we better stop that judgemental attitude and pray for them...pray for the Lord to open their eyes and for the Lord to provide what they need. 

So at the end of this post I have to conclude that modesty is an issue that is only between you and your Creator...not you and those around you...not you and the pastor's wife...not you and anyone else...simply you and your Creator - that is it! 
*Note:  As a married woman, God will speak through my husband about dress...and I need to listen to what he is saying...for instance my husband prefers jeans on me because skirts are not flattering.

Here is a blog I really appreciate, as this young lady is such an inspiration to those her age and even us older gals....her clothes are delightfully modest...but what is more is that her heart seems to be delightfully modest - LOVE IT!  http://freshmodesty.blogspot.com/ 
(Strawberry, I think you will really enjoy this blog...I thought of you while visiting it.)

A note to me from a friend:

"You wrote about your leanings toward Biblical modesty as a woman. I encourage you wholeheartedly in that direction. Our attire is such a statement about our principles and priorities. As mothers, we are setting the standard of a godly wife to our sons, and obviously also to daughters. I think of how I’m creating an appetite in my sons for the women they will be attracted to: Am I lovely in modesty? Am I delightful to be around? Do I care more about the standards around me or the standards God has given? Am I feminine (not frail!), which is naturally attractive to a masculine man? We are not just a shapely version of a man – we are created unique as women, and our family should see that God-ordained difference every day in their mother." - Well said dear friend of mine!

I really want to know your thoughts as I am going to begin a study...so please leave me a comment!  And as always thank you so much for taking the time to visit and read my post. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Nothing to do...HA

Oh, what a glorious summer we've had....even though it hasn't really been "lake" weather.  For the first month my children were content to just "be", to not have an adjenda, to go explore the woods - which we live smack in the middle of....BUT...ahhh always a "but". 
These past few weeks have been "Can I watch a movie?...Can I play video game?.. - ugh over and over and over again these questions come at me from all four children.

During the school season my children are only alowed to watch or play video game on Saturdays only - and even then it is limited.  They must have thought it to be a "summer free for all" - well they were wrong!  I said "no, not today".  I got disobiedient replies..."BUT Mom there is nothing to do..." (not from my oldest) 

Look what my children did inspite of the fact that there was "Nothing to do...."

They went fishing - aren't they cute!  I love the creativeness and I love that they played "fishing" for well over an hour before going onto frog hunting...then on to a few runs in the sprinkler and other various "things" to do...

I found my oldest working in the garden while our daughter was busy with a craft. 

It was a perfect summer day!  I'm so glad I said "No"...I'm looking forward to many more perfect summer days.

Are you saying "no"?  Pray and ask the Lord for guidance on what to limit - He will faithfully show you.

Pslams 144:12 -

That our sons may be as plants
and our daughters may be pillars sculptured in palace style.

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